418: The Dragon's will [pt2]

The order had been given, and Yoko was sure it would be followed. Both Stella and Crescenta were good at following orders. So, the only thing left for Amane to do was to find Moony and see what happened.

And she had a feeling she knew what happened to Moony here.

"Now, let's see. Ah, this is bad. Moony might be hiding herself, but her leaking energy makes it obvious where she is right now."

Moony was close by, and Amane could find her anytime she wanted to. But she decided to wait around a little bit. She tried to get out as many people as she could before she went out to find Moony.

After almost two hours of waiting, Amane felt her patience give way, and she walked out to meet Moony.

The safety barrier was starting to cover the area where they were. Amane could feel Kori's familiar energy mixed into the barrier as well, and that indeed ensured that the outside world would remain safe.

After all, having a goddess on your side was reassuring.