120. Children of Almighty Zennotheos.

"Now, every world has a name. It is impossible to know how many worlds exist, for it is impossible to know how many children the almighty Zennotheos has," Ateus continues his teaching.

"Or is still having," Reuel adds. Erina just shook her head slightly at his words, and Ateus did almost the same, and Reuel just shrugged.

"As I was saying, it is therefore impossible to know the names of all the worlds that may or may not exist. Legend has it that some of the worlds have long been destroyed because the gods, all children of Zennotheos who were placed over those worlds could not work together to keep balance."

"Now, the world Your Highness and Your Holiness grew up in, is called the world Cheon. And it is ruled by four gods, of whom I have not been given the liberty to know because it is not my place to know."

Reuel was suddenly curious about something, a question pricked at his heart, and he wished to know the very answer.