Chapter 5: The Party Pooper

*Jo's POV*

One second I was staring at Nikko, and the next, he was gone. But then the girls walked up to tell me happy birthday, and I realized this was a party and I had to socialize with everyone, not just the one I burned to see. So I plastered on a smile and let them guide me into the huge group of our graduating class, plus a few stragglers from the surrounding classes.

"Happy Birthday, Jo!" Emily exclaimed as she gave me a hug. "I can't believe you went back and got that dress without even telling us!"

She was indeed wearing that red shirt I had fallen in love with, and an extremely short jean skirt, but I just rolled my eyes inwardly and moved on. How had I never noticed, until the last month or so, that my so-called friends were so awful to me. Talk about passive aggressive. After this party, I would have no reason to see them again. Thank goodness.

"Actually, the guy we met at the mall brought it for me," I smiled as I looked down at myself. "As a birthday gift."

Emily did not look happy to hear this, but was caught off before she could respond as more and more people walked up to give me hugs, and then began to move me around. At first, they brought me to the gift table, which was much larger than I expected, and begged me to open my presents. Thankfully, I was able to steer them away from that idea by telling them all that we had to wait for my mom to be out there before I could. I loved giving people gifts, but opening gifts to me in front of people was probably one of the most awkward things.

Wanting to calm things down, I finally stood up on a chair next to the gift table and got everyone's attention.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming," I started, as soon as it quieted down. "I am sure my mom already told you all, but she has snacks and drinks off to the side of the pool, so feel free to help yourselves. Just eat, drink, and have a good time! And I will try to come around and talk to people in smaller groups where I can actually hear you."

My huge smile was plastered to my face still as I stepped down off the chair. Most of the people understood, and started to break off into smaller groups and intermingle; but not the girls. As soon as most of the people in the immediate hearing distance had cleared off, I found myself swarmed.

"Did you say that Nikko is here?" Chloe said in a frantic whisper.

"Like really here?" Taylor mimicked the tone.

"Yes, didn't you see him? He was out here when I came outside," I told them. "And he must have gotten here a little early, because he dropped this dress off with my mom to give to me."

"Wow," Chloe and Taylor breathed at the same time.

"Oh, you weren't joking?" Emily asked incredulously.

"What about Aaron?" Chloe asked, interrupting, unable to help herself.

"What about him?" I shrugged. "I have already told you guys and him how I feel, and it would have been the same conclusion whether I had met Nikko or not."

"I don't believe he's really here," Emily said, crossing her arms. "If he is, then where is he?"

"I'm not sure, actually," I said as I scanned the people again. "But there is his friend, Byron, right there. Why don't you go and ask him?"

All three girls looked hopeful all of a sudden and rushed off in the direction of Byron; Emily hesitated only a moment before she followed. Byron was also a very attractive guy from what I could see of him. I hadn't really been paying attention to him the first time I met him, but looking at him now, I could see why the girls were rushing to talk to him. But he still had nothing on Nikko.

For a moment, I considered walking over to him as well, to see if he really did know where Nikko was, but figured that he had his hands full with the other three. So, I walked back over to the pool where there were some other girls that I could talk to and take my mind off of Nikko. I would see him as soon as he reappeared.

I continued to talk to everyone and pass the time, and before I knew it, I was surrounded by mostly guys that had just graduated with me. Not concerned, I continued to talk to them about their future plans of college or trade school or whatever; most of us would be leaving in a matter of weeks. One of the guys that I had been closer with walked up and gave me a hug even.

"How's Dylan?" I asked him with a smile. "Are you guys still in the honeymoon phase?"

"I think so, at least I'm really happy," Clark smiled. "You could ask him yourself. He is around here somewhere."

"Well, thank you both for coming. I really appreciate it," I said. "And make sure you tell him I said that."

"I will," he laughed, then spoke a little quieter. "What about you and Aaron? I haven't seen you in a while. Has that gotten any better?"

I shook my head and lowered my voice as well. "No, I finally cut it off with him."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Clark said, grabbing my hand.

"Don't be," I said, and couldn't help the smile that grew on my face.

"Oh." His eyebrows raised. "Tell me, who is it? There's a new guy, right?"

I nodded and leaned in to whisper, but was distracted when I felt the goosebumps rise all over my arms again. Good thing the dress had long sleeves. A smell of evergreen and light lavender suddenly surrounded me. I closed my eyes and breathed it in as if it was fresh air and I was suffocating.

"Happy Birthday, Jo," I heard his smooth voice say.

I opened my eyes to see Nikko standing right beside me in all his glory. His blue dress pants matched my dress so perfectly I wondered if he had planned it. And his stark white button-up shirt had just enough buttons undone to make me blush already. Then, I finally got to his face to lock eyes with him again.

Just like before, I felt a sudden shock as soon as our eyes met. I stared into his eyes, unable to look away, and this time he didn't look away either. I don't know how long we were looking at each other like that, before I heard Clark's words as if through fog.

"Hi, my name is Clark," he offered his hand out to Nikko. "And you must be the guy that she was just about to tell me all about."

The second part caught my attention and pulled me out of the fog as I snapped my head at him. "Clark!"

"Well, I'm right, aren't I?" he asked with a smile, and I was shocked to see Nikko reach out and grasp his hand to shake it.

"I'm Nikko, it's nice to meet you, Clark," he said, before turning a crooked smile towards me. "So, you are already talking about me, huh?"

"Technically, I hadn't talked about you, yet," I announced, and I could feel my cheeks burning, but I was determined to keep my eyes on him this time.

"Yet, huh?" Nikko kept teasing, while Clark laughed beside him.

"Oh, I have got to know the story going on here," Clark said, still laughing. "I don't think I have ever seen this girl so affected in my life."

"Clark!" I exclaimed, and gave him the look that was universally known as 'shut the f**k up'.

He just continued to laugh as I stared him down. Obviously, he didn't find me intimidating enough.

"We actually just met at the mall a few days ago," Nikko supplied Clark.

"Hey, you don't encourage him," I said, pointing my finger at Nikko.

I felt my stomach do a flip as he grinned at me. I had forgotten how nice of a smile he had.

"The man just asked a simple question," Nikko shrugged playfully. "I was just trying to help."

I opened my mouth to reply to him when I was interrupted by someone calling my name. Looking over toward the sound, I felt my stomach drop. It was Aaron, and he did not look very happy. He continued to walk up to us until he was standing fairly close to me. I watched as he glanced at Clark and then at Nikko, but then came back to focus on me.

No, no, no. Not here. Not in front of Nikko. He was looking at Aaron indifferently at the moment.

"Happy Birthday, Jo," Aaron said with a tight smile, before jumping right in. "I was hoping we could go somewhere, so we could talk and I could give you your gift."

I glanced awkwardly at Nikko and Clark before replying. "I'm sorry, but I am in the middle of a conversation with these guys."

"I'm sure they won't mind," he said, not even paying attention to them still. "And I'm sure it won't take long. We just really need to talk."

I was watching Nikko's face to make sure he didn't get the wrong idea about me and Aaron.

"She said no, Aaron," Clark said in a dry voice.

As soon as Clark said the name, Aaron, I watched as Nikko's eyes flashed almost pure black and his lips curled up at the corners. I took a step back. He looked at me as I moved and his eyes turned back to green with the rage covering his face changing to concern. But it was too late; I had already seen the shift.

What the hell?