Chapter 21: Spilling Secrets

*Jo's POV*

The sound of splintering wood echoed through the bedroom as Nikko shoved the door open with his shoulder. He had only broken the frame around the door lock instead of the whole door itself. He still had the knob in his hand when he looked and locked eyes with me.

Seeing Nikko in front of me made me see spots. I was worried I would get emotional if I talked to him, but that wasn't the case. At least not yet.

Despite being so angry at him, I noticed that the clothes he was wearing almost seemed too short for him. I realized he must have shifted to get to the cabin as fast as he did, and then he must have had to borrow some of Byron's clothes since I had the door locked. Nikko saw me staring at him, and looked around.

His eyes seemed to take in the scene before him, with me standing in front of my half full bags, and I saw them switch to worry. For the first time I think he realized that I was really planning on leaving.