*Jo's POV*
I groaned as I started to come to, blinking my eyes a bunch to take in the bright white room. My head pounded as I sat up, so I tried to move more slowly. I was sitting in an average sized room, with just a bed frame, a mattress, a small table, and a single chair.
There wasn't a single window in the room, so I had no way of telling what time it was.
The entire room was white though. White tile, white walls, white sheets, white table. The only thing that wasn't white was the metal door that was on the opposite wall of the bed. My head throbbed again. Man what was in that rag?
Suddenly the events before came flooding back to me. I stood up quickly, earning myself another throb through my head, and walked to the door. I turned the handle, but it was locked. Worth a try at least.
I stood there in silence, wondering what I should do. Silence…