I raced up the stairs, knowing with cold, terrible certainty that I’d be too late.
“Sy!” I screamed, rushing into the open kitchen and living room. Nothing. Nobody. I could see nearly the whole span of the house, and out onto the patio as well through the chalet’s huge windows. Sy was nowhere. And the sweet, clear sense of Seelie magic was everywhere.
I wanted to scream, but somehow my voice was gone. My logical brain said look upstairs, look all over the house just in case. Make sure the car was outside. He could be speeding around the mountain roads, burning out his anger and doubt, reason told me. But I knew at a gut level that it wasn’t true. He wasn’t here.
“Uncle!” I screamed into the emptiness. There was no response.
Why would my uncle have taken Sy, rather than me? It made no sense. He wanted to get me away from Sy, that was clear, but he’d been intent on bringing me to Faerie only yesterday. I didn’t like it. What could my uncle want with Sy?