Chapter 29: LIFE WAS A LIE

Lucy wiped her tears and when she was going to stand up, she heard him.

"What about your human family? How did they manage to control you at the times of your depression?" He asked as he wants to know what her family did to control her as he needs to know how to control her at times of difficulty.

"I don't know why but I never behaved differently with them. We only got a few minutes to talk each day and that was only at night. But, I have never felt like crying nor I have felt brave. I was the only normal in front of them. Only when I saw you and after knowing that you're in danger, did my brave side come outside, and when I saw blood on you that night that weaker side came out of me. I think you have more effect on me than my family. Maybe it's because of our mate bond". Lucy presumed and Devlin nodded his head.