The next day morning, both Lucy and Devlin went to the office like always. Lucy was the one who drove the car but both have been ignoring each other. They both didn't eat anything yesterday also and Lucy almost became weak because of the injuries and the stress. As Devlin understood this, he asked one of his men to heat the leftover food that yesterday Cara and Mary cooked. He sent Cara to her room asking her to make Lucy something.
He must have cooked her some food but he knew she'll find out that he cooked for her and she won't eat that food. And, in this situation the restaurant food only makes her weak, so he asked to reheat the food. Pacing around the cabin not knowing whether she was anything or not, Devlin looked at Connor who came inside with a happy face.
"She finished her food, now it's your turn. Eat something" Connor said as Cara has told him through the wolf.