Chapter 8: Dream Girl is a Liar

Bradley stood in his bedroom doorway and stared at the strangers occupying his living room. Well, not all of them were strangers. He knew Garrett and Jeremy, obviously. And the girl sitting on the floor looked vaguely familiar, and then realization slapped him in the face. That was the girl from last night, Carissa's friend. What the hell was her name?

If she was here, did that mean Carissa was here as well? His gaze darted around the room and landed on Danny, who stood in the kitchen with his arms around someone. No, not just someone. Carissa. Without realizing what he was doing, Bradley curled his hands into fists by his sides.

Carissa's gaze connected with his, and she looked more terrified than a deer caught in the crosshairs. He narrowed his eyes, and she dropped her head to rest on Danny's shoulder. Of course she had a boyfriend. He should've known. How someone like Danny landed an amazing girl like Carissa was beyond him, but then again, the universe had a twisted sense of humor, and Bradley was the punch line.

"Either I'm not invited to this little party, or my invitation got lost in the mail," he said, crossing his arms over his bare chest.

Garrett laughed. "Sorry, man. This is my lifelong friend, Cory." He pointed to the guy sitting in the armchair. "That over there is his sister and my friend, Carissa." He motioned toward the kitchen. "And Danny's girlfriend, if you couldn't tell." He laughed again. "And this is my other friend, Tiffany. Guys, this is my roommate, Bradley."

Tiffany stared at him, a look of recognition crossing her face. "Uh, hi. Nice to meet you," she said. Her attention darted toward Carissa, then back to Bradley.

So, that's how they were going to play this? Like they hadn't met last night? Alright, he could do that, too. He nodded at Tiffany and Cory. "Hey."

"There's pizza in the kitchen," Jeremy said.

Bradley wandered into the kitchen and peeked inside the pizza boxes. He intentionally didn't acknowledge Carissa, but he felt her eyes on him. What was he supposed to make of that?

Turning, he leaned against the island counter and once again crossed his arms over his chest. He glanced over his shoulder at Cory, then back at Carissa. "You know, if you put long hair on him," he hooked his thumb at Cory, "you two would look identical."

"Are you saying I look like a guy with long hair?" Carissa asked, her tone biting. She stepped out from in front of Danny and faced Bradley.

Bradley laughed. He'd wanted to get a rise out of her, and he'd succeeded.

"They're twins," Danny offered, standing next to Carissa and wrapping his arm around her waist.

She remained stiff, though, not leaning into his embrace. Nothing at all like the eager, pliant girl she'd been with him last night.

"Well, that explains it, I guess." Bradley shrugged.

A cell phone rang, and Danny yanked his cell from his pocket. He frowned. "I'll be right back." He kissed Carissa's cheek, then disappeared upstairs.

She narrowed her eyes, her gaze following him. Her expression was full of suspicion. Was there trouble in paradise? A guy could certainly hope. Another glance over his shoulder proved that everyone else was engaged in conversations, oblivious to him and Carissa.

He shoved away from the island and sauntered toward her. She didn't so much as flinch. He squeezed by her so he could get to the cupboard with the glasses, his chest brushing against her arm. Her sharp intake of breath was the only clue he had that the chemistry they'd had last night wasn't all in his head.

"I think you forgot to tell me something," he said so only she could hear him.

Carissa moved out of his way, and her back hit the edge of the sink. She stopped and met his gaze. The fire in her eyes set his insides ablaze. The way her irises shifted from brown to green was downright mesmerizing. And sexy as hell.

"I didn't think it mattered," she said, keeping her voice low, too.

He arched a brow in disbelief. "Didn't matter?"

She shrugged. "It was a silly sorority thing. Nothing more." But the heat in her tone belied her words.

"Right." He nodded. "That's why, and I quote, 'the pleasure was mutual,' right?"

Carissa rolled her eyes, her attention bouncing from him to her friends in the living room. When she turned back to face him, her eyes were sad, and her expression bordered on fearful. "Please don't say anything," she pleaded.

He shifted on his feet, propped one hand on the counter and the other on his hip. "Seems like information your boyfriend would want to know."

She mimicked his stance. "Please, Bradley." Her frantic gaze shifted to the stairs and back to him. "Last night was fun, but it didn't mean anything."

Bradley narrowed his eyes and studied her. Didn't mean anything? He was ready to call bullshit, but before he could, Danny reappeared.