Chapter 18: He'll be Waiting

Despite her best efforts, Carissa couldn't keep her tears at bay, and the second she was alone in her car, the dam broke. Between her fight with Danny last night, her father pulling his usual crap, and then being flat-out rejected by Bradley, she'd had enough. How had her life become such a mess?

When she'd moved into the residence hall as a freshman, she was so hopeful and excited. She was finally out of her parents' house and had some independence. She was rooming with her best friend. The world had been at her fingertips. And then she'd met Danny, and for a while, life had been perfect.

But then she got pregnant, and her world crumbled around her. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't seem to rebuild her life. Every time she tried, something else would come along and knock it all back down.