Chapter 21: Nice Shot

He walked into class a few minutes late, but he didn't care. His mind was elsewhere. Taking a seat in the back of the lecture hall, he pulled the small desk across his lap and lowered his head to his folded arms. Business Law was a class he'd already taken in Texas, but for some unknown reason, the credits didn't transfer, so here he was again. At least the class would be an easy-A, and he didn't really have to pay attention that closely.

His phone clucked, and he jolted upright. The professor stopped speaking and glared at the class. No one spoke, but lots of students looked around for the wayward chicken. Bradley really needed to change his text notification sound. When the professor resumed class, Bradley eased his phone from his pocket.

The first thing he did was put his phone on vibrate, and then he opened his messages.

Carissa: I'm sorry I upset you. That wasn't my intention.

His phone vibrated in his hand.