Chapter 32: Food Fight

Carissa sat up and groaned. Her muscles were stiff, and her head throbbed. She put the seat upright, yawned, and glanced out the window. "Where are we?" she asked.

"About ten minutes from the penthouse," Bradley said, glancing at her from the corner of his eye. "Feeling better?"

"Yes and no." She laughed. "Your car is not very comfortable to sleep in."

"Are you hungry? There's a twenty-four hour diner not too far from the penthouse. We can grab something, if you want."

She stretched her arms and twisted her neck to ease the ache. "Yeah, I'm actually starving. I haven't eaten anything since I made that S'mores." A quick glance at the clock on the dashboard indicated that had been almost five hours ago. Her stomach rumbled.

Bradley switched on his blinker and turned into a mostly desolate parking lot. A small mom-and-pop diner came into view, complete with a fading sign and a patched roof. He parked in an open spot near the front door, killed the engine, then hopped out.