Chapter 36: Strange Men

Carissa held her breath and waited for Bradley to answer. She couldn't believe she'd asked him to stay with her. While her reason had been valid, and true, she shouldn't have asked him. Not when she was still in a relationship with Danny. Not when she knew Bradley liked her. And definitely not when she had an intense and growing attraction toward him.

She should tell him never mind, that she didn't need him to stay with her, that she'd be fine. But her lips seemed to be glued shut, and she couldn't get a single word to form. She shifted on her feet. What if he said yes? What would happen then? She had no intention of doing anything with him, but simply sleeping in the same bed with him was crossing the line. If Danny did what she was about to do, she'd be downright pissed.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" he asked after a moment.