Chapter 40: Sex Dreams

Unbearable heat stifled Carissa, and she kicked off the blankets. Then she rolled onto her side. Her face smooshed against a wall of hard, hot flesh, and she eased back just enough to draw in a breath. The lingering scent of men's cologne hung in the air around her.

She attempted to blink open her eyes, but her lids felt like they'd been tied shut with lead chains. Disoriented, groggy, and in that weird space between sleep and alertness, she stopped trying to fight to wake up. Getting up meant facing the world and all of her problems, and she wanted to avoid that as long as possible. Besides, she was in the middle of a fantastic dream about Bradley.

The central air kicked on, and a blast of cold air blew across her body. Now shivering, she blindly searched for the blankets and jerked them back up. She burrowed under the covers and sighed as her mind went blissfully blank.