Chapter 51: It's Finally Time to Talk

Carissa returned to the living room, and the game resumed. She hadn't been interested before, and she wasn't now, either, but staring aimlessly at the TV was better than listening to her thoughts.

Deep down, she knew Tiffany was right. Carissa shouldn't feel guilty about kissing Bradley when Danny did much more than that with other girls. Yet, Carissa did feel guilty. She wasn't a cheater, and she hated that Danny had turned her into that type of person. And the fact that she was sitting there attempting to justify her actions only made her feel worse. Two wrongs didn't make a right, and she was no better than Danny in terms of being loyal and faithful.

Halfway through the third quarter, she finally got a message from Danny. She opened her texts, her stomach in a knot at whatever he sent her.

Danny: Sorry I didn't come over earlier. Got caught up with something. Can we please talk now?