Chapter 58: Playing Pretend

As soon as Carissa came bounding out of the sorority house a few minutes later, Bradley took hold of her hand again, and they headed toward her residence hall. Ditching class today had been the best decision he'd made in weeks. He still couldn't believe she and Danny had broken up, but that was a dream come true for him. Now all he had to do was convince her not to go back to that asshole, and he'd pull out all the stops to make sure she didn't.

"Okay, so I know what your sister and brother do, but what are you going to do once you graduate?" she asked, picking up their conversation as if they hadn't been interrupted by her errand.

"I'm planning to work with my father. I know the business well, and I do enjoy it. But as the owner's son, I get treated like that's the only reason I have a job waiting for me. I want to prove that I'm just as qualified as anyone else."

"That makes sense," she said.

"What do your parents do?"