Chapter 64: Problem Solved

"No, I'm not." Carissa clutched the tissue in her hand. "But I did tell him I'd be here for him, that I'd help him get better."

Garrett groaned. "Why would you do that?"

"Because Danny changed me. I've become this person I don't recognize, and I refuse to let him keep changing me." She wadded up the tissue and chucked it into the trash. "I don't like who I am anymore, and part of me fixing myself is learning to get back to who I really am. And I am the type of person who would help another person in their time of need."

"You're way too good for him." Cory shook his head, then rose to his feet and returned to sit on Tiffany's bed.

"Agreed," Tiffany said.

"That's why I called you all here." She crossed her arms and shifted on her feet. "Danny's father was in a really bad accident, and he's in the ICU. The doctors don't know if he's going to make it. Danny's leaving to go home on Friday, and he's asked me to go with him for emotional support."