Chapter 87: Striking

Carissa took one final look in the mirror and grinned. She really did love this dress and was once again thrilled that Beth had insisted she buy this one specifically. Tight and sleek, the silky material hugged her curves like a second skin. The scoop neck showed just enough cleavage to tease but not so much to be inappropriate for meeting Bradley's parents. The thought of meeting them had nerves fluttering in her stomach.

Knowing she'd already met Bradley's sister - and that they got along really well - made her feel a little better. With any luck, Beth's approval would hold some sway with their parents. Still, the fear of Mr. and Mrs. Moore not liking her sat like a rock in her gut. Pressing her hand against her belly, she blew out a long, slow breath. Making a good impression on Bradley's parents was important to her because she wanted a future with Bradley, and that meant she needed to get along with his family, too.