Chapter 94: Making Love

As soon as they were in the bedroom, he toed off his shoes and then closed the door. He prayed his brother wouldn't show up tonight, but just in case. . . Then again, when Bradley made up an excuse about Carissa not feeling well and hence her sudden departure, he'd been clear that he wanted to take her back to the cabin to rest. His brother wasn't dumb, so hopefully, he'd read between the lines.

"I might need some help getting this zipper down," Carissa said.

She stood near the bed, hair draped over one shoulder, her neck and upper part of her back exposed. Anticipation filled his veins, and he took a calming breath. He'd been fantasizing all night about getting her out of that dress, and now that the time had come for him to do so, he needed to force himself to slow down and take things easy. No pushing her against the door and fucking her like he had earlier.