Chapter 99: Stop Defending Him

After a rousing and highly competitive game of pool volleyball in which her parents took turns cheering for each team, something she hadn't seen them do unless they were cheering for Cory during one of his high school basketball games, everyone sat down for Sunday dinner: grilled barbeque chicken, tossed salad, pasta salad, grilled corn on the cob, and fresh fruit.

Playing in the pool had worked up an appetite, and Carissa ate like she hadn't eaten in months. She was so stuffed she was positive someone would have to carry her to the car later.

"Great meal, Mom," Cayla said. She stood and gathered dirty dishes.

Carissa silently groaned, knowing she should help, too, but she really couldn't move until her food settled. Beside her, Tiffany was slipping into her own food coma, her eyelids fluttering closed and then snapping open.

"Sorry, Mrs. J. Need help?" Tiffany asked around a yawn.

Mom laughed. "No, it's quite alright. You sit there and relax."