A welcome distraction

"I'm pretty certain a future with Fiona is what I want even though everything she does lately confounds us at Thornwyck sometimes."

He took another sip of brandy before he continued to speak.

"Just that right now is a bad time for the king to summon me to his dragon court, it will put a dent in my attempt to restore Thornwyck to its former glory. That's my biggest concern right now. What about you Torque, are you ready to claim your bride?"

"With my current luck she'll probably be uglier than sin," he said bitterly. "Unlike you I don't get to pick a bride of my own choosing, it's the king's orders."

"Why do you sound so distraught my friend?" Tiamat questioned. "Perhaps you are looking at your upcoming nuptials the wrong way. Why not wait until you meet your future bride before you do or say things you may later come to regret."