A recurring nightmare

When Clare was done she helped Fiona to stand properly while holding the long train of the dress so it wouldn't get entangled around the feet of the chair.

"You look gorgeous my lady," gushed Clare. "You are very lucky to be marrying Master Tiamat tonight."

Piercing purple amethyst eyes came to mind for luck had nothing to do with her current situation.

There was a sudden knock on the door before it opened.

"Time's up," said Tiamat. "Everyone's getting restless waiting on the bride to make her appearance."

He stretched out his hand towards her and she reluctantly accepted it. His eyes looked at her feverishly, his skin was brittle and dry.

Tiamat could use some intensive repair lotion with extra cocoa butter and coconut oil.

Ingredients she had yet to stumble across in this world but that didn't stop her from searching and not giving up hope.

Why did she have to be the unfortunate woman to marry a dragon with flaky skin?