A time for celebration

Tiamat walked down to the stables where he knew the Dragon King would be waiting on him.

People were always shocked when they met the Dragon King for the first time.

Not only was he young, he was the same age as Tiamat but because he was always the tallest man around.

Andrew Wedemeir also known as the Dragon King leapt gracefully from his favorite destrier and tossed the reins to one of the highly trained grooms.

He looked the same as the last time Tiamat saw him, with the exception of his height he was also broad shouldered and slim hipped. 

"What took you so long man?" grinned the king as he slapped his long time friend on the back.

"I was getting the wife comfortably settled in," he answered wryly. 

It was then that Andrew turned to his friend and they did their secret handshake before he hugged Tiamat.

"How is your wife doing?" he asked politely.