The proof

"That bloody son of a bitch," Sir Benedict muttered under his breath.

As he looked across the breakfast table at the dishonorable bastard that broke his promise and would rather marry a foreigner.

A complete stranger with no pure bloodlines, wealth or pedigree than his precious daughter.

Even in his younger years Sir Benedict struggled with baldness and seeing Tiamat with a head full of hair made him even more envious.

As Tiamat's current self was the dragon lord Sir Benedict wished he could have been had he been several years younger.

Tiamat was not yet twenty five and he had already built himself a solid reputation, as a finely honed fearsome warrior.

A skilled lover, intelligent and philanthropic, Tiamat was not only an honest dragon lord but one that anyone would trust and be glad to call a friend.

Everything Sir Benedict was not, he would no sooner stab you in the back if it meant he could refill his coffers with unlimited treasure.