Role model

He recalled all the anxiety he felt at the time and it was like he was hit with a double dose of the quickening, knowing that he had to be strong for his father but not why. 

The restlessness started to grow like a tiny mustard seed and nothing he did seemed to feed the emptiness inside of him. 

His father had given him the mighty task of carrying the burden of the family honor at the age of six; it was not a mantle he was prepared to shoulder. 

When his father finally passed it was a hard time for Tiamat, knowing that he would never again feel the warmth or affection from both his parents was too much for his young mind to comprehend. 

He did not know why they left him behind to fend for himself when he wanted to go with them and for a time he allowed a brooding anger to take root in his mind and he became very rebellious.