18 Venus (Rated)

Read at your own discretion. This is spicy mature content!

'So how do you find out?' The words echoed through my head. I knew the answer. I wasn't sure I was ready for the repercussions. What allowing myself that close would mean. Catnip made these men bold. Made them question me in ways they normally would not.

'The only way I can think of to find out... I would never ask that of you. I will never ask of anyone that which I do not believe myself capable of doing. I would never seek to torture someone in that way.' I watched as they looked between eachother and began to move.

'What if we helped guide you?' Misha asked.

'Protected you,' Sorrel stated.

'Gave ourselves to you?' Kylian asked.

'Surrendered to you?' asked Amiri.

'Served you,' Dimatri said.

'What if we offered ourselves to you Princess?' they all asked me.

They were close to me now. Surrounding me. Their scents heavy in my nose. Close enough I could touch them. 'Who then?' I asked. My stomach flipped at what I was a about to do. 'Which of you should I use to sate my curiosity?'

As one four heads turned to Sorrel. 'You then?' I asked.

'If I will do for your needs Princess. If I am enough to answer your curiosity.' He was on his knees and yet it was only now that I could be eye to eye with him. Even if I suspected he was holding his head just right to make himself seem shorter.

'Yes, you will do just fine Sorrel. More than you know,' I said as I wove my fingers into him mane. 'You should take that off.' I pointed down at the only cloth they wore around me. He did not even take his eyes of mine as his hands moved to remove it. A feat that did not require him to stand up as I had hoped. His pupils were blown wide at this point. Oh yeah they were high.

'I really should not do this while all of you are under the effects of the Heartpetals. Tell me no Sorrel. Tell me to wait until all of us are sober and in the right of mind,' I said to him as my hand traveled lower.

'I can not Princess. Will not. I want your touch too much to deny it in anyway I can get it,' he said. His eyes flicked as he pushed into my touch. I did just that. I put both hands on him and stroked that mane down his chest. I found myself lowering myself onto my own knees so I could see what my questing hands sought to touch. He jolted when they reached their destination. His whole body tightened in a display of rippling waves.

'You all have no idea how beautiful you are,' I said. Then I did it. For the first time since I was a curious teenager I let myself touch a male's cock. My own body lit up. Apparently I was more awear of them than I wanted to admit. In many ways it was just like a human's. Silky smooth yet rock hard. The big difference was the hooks and ridges. All of which I found blunted and rounded. The hooks flexed under my hand as I stroked. I felt myself sigh in relief at the same time my body tightened in a whole new way.

'What is wrong Princess?' I heard Misha ask. The sound of his voice broke through my curious first taste of ture lust. My hips were shifting.

'Nothing is wrong. If anything it is good news,' even my thoughts were husky. I leaned forward to put my head on his chest. 'Not wrong at all,' I sighed as I dropped my hands.

'How can it be good news if you were right?' Kylian asked.

'Because I was wrong. Other than the size I should have no problems mating any of you.' My hand went between my thighs. 'You are all high though. I have already taken advantage,' I said.

Keep a level head. You can not fuck five guys in a hallway.

'So the hallway is the problem,' I heard Dimatri say. Oh no. I felt hands go around my hips and spin me around. I moved back to get away from his hands. Only to rub myself all over Sorrel in the process. Sorrel in turn wrapped his arm around my waist. I didn't realize what I had done until it was far to late. I was prey.

'Do what you need to. Just no mating. Not like this. Not while you are high,' I told them. All of them began touching me. I could give them this. It would not make up for what I had done but they had to be curious too. Right? Sorrel took it one step further. He licked me and I jolted in his grasp. His tongue was ruff on my shoulder. The feel of it sent goosebumps racing across my arms. The next lick caught some of the lines on my back. Yes! Fuck that felt weirdly good.

'Lick her,' Dimatri ordered. My eyes locked on him to see him watching me. The others did not even question him. Sorrel licked at my shoulders and neck. Misha licked at my left arm and hand. Kylian took my right. Amiri and Dimatri took my thighs.

'Why?' I pleaded.

'Because you like it,' he told me. His eyes watched me as his tongue licked up the inside my thigh. I snapped those thighs closed even as I bucked. Without missing a beat the two of them licked at every inch of skin that was left free. It was maddening. Lick after lick lit my skin on fire.

"No more. I need..." I screamed. "Please!"

'Please what?' they asked.

I froze they had understood me. Dimatri lifted his head but the others did not stop. 'You talked both ways at once. Now tell us how to please you.'

I shook my head back and forth. Listening to him had brought me out of the fog enough to remedy that they were high and I was taking advantage. Although right not I was starting to seriously reconsider that. They had me pinned like a bug between their giant bodies. I felt Sorrel shift behind me. His hands... Paws gripped my hips as he moved back. No. Oh please. They couldn't know. My fears were confirmed when I felt that sandpaper tongue run up the exposed skin of my back.

I writhed. I needed them to touch me. I grabbed one of those paws. I widened my thighs as I shoved that it were a new ache was forming. I had changed into a dress after my little yoga session. I was thankful for it now. I ground down on it without thought as I moved one of Sorrel's up to my chest. The dress had thankfully been short enough not to get in the way while I was moving them.

'There you go Princess. Show us what you need,' Misha said. I could feel the sharp pricks of their claws even though the cloth.

'Claws. You will end up shreding me,' I had to fight the fog of lust filled desire. It was cloying.

'Easy fix,' Kylian pointed out. All of the claws on my skin retracted. 'Now what Princess?' They all stopped and stared at me.

'You lot are evil when you are on catnip!' I hissed. I yanked the dress over my head. That was enough apparently. I felt myself yanked back into Sorrel's hard chest. 'What are these? I have wondered since you showed them to us in the cleansing room,' he asked. I did not have to question what he was referring to. His hand was kneading at my breasts.

I moaned as my back arched. "Yes."

'Why did you put my paw here?' Misha asked me. Misha and Sorrel. They were the only two touching me now. I jolted at the realization. My eyes opened to look around. The other three had distanced themselves. The were watching me with avid eyes. It took me a bit to realize what was wrong with the image I was seeing. They were all naked. All three of them naked and watching me. Their members were large and clearly demanding attention that none of them seemed inclined to answer to.

'Use us Princess. Show us how to give you the pleasure you need,' Sorrel's husky voice paired with his hands kneading at me was enough to break me. The sight of his three brothers waiting in the wings set me over the edge.

'Harder, Sorrel.' He did not question the command. He did it and I could not help but blush as the tips pebbled. I felt ready to pant as hot as I was. I threaded my fingers with Misha's. His hands were so much bigger than my own. I let my head fall back at the first touch. Even with me guiding him it felt so different. This felt so wrong to do. Even so it was the best I had ever felt. My hips rocked into Misha's thick finger. He allowed me to, saying nothing as I forgot everything outside of the contact of their skin on mine.

Sorrel's breath kept brushing my neck. My head tilted to the side to feel more of the sensation at the same time he shifted his paws. Those thick calloused pads rubbed over the pebbled peaks and let go of Misha's hand. Misha did not stop the slow rub on my clit over the still there panties. When Sorrel got brave I screamed. He rolled my nipples between to finger pads. I jerked. The action made a jolt of pleasure and pain where I hit the tip of Misha's claw. The got clawed in return. Or rather Misha did. I felt my nails dig into his arm and rake down. Then I was lost in the sensation of my own peak.

As I came back to myself I found myself once again between all of them. They were holding me. 'You okay Princess?' I heard Amiri question.

'Yeah, just tired. I really need to get more exercise in now that I know where the training room is.'

'I will take her back to my room,' said Misha, as he lifted me in his arms.

Sorrel stopped him, 'Before you do. Princess? Did we hurt you?'

'If you hurt me Misha would not be wearing a mate mark,' I very pointedly looked at Misha's arm as I said it. Sure enough a single short line marred his fur. There should have been more but I suspect they had already healed. The one I was looking at was already closing up. I must have gotten him with a longer one.