24 Venus

"So what would I be referred as?" Rithô asked.

"Bird," I said. I lifted a bite of food to my mouth and instantly recognized the flavor of fish. This one was fresh water. It missed the telltale salt and mercury flavor.

"So bird are smaller?"

"Birds," I corrected him, "and generally speaking yes. There are bigger and smaller birds. The larger birds are about the same size as most common human house pets."

"So then I would be food?" The idea clearly displeased him.

"Everything is food to something, Prince Rithô. It is Earth law. The plants are eaten by herbivores. Herbivores are eaten by carnivores. Carnivores get eaten by bigger Carnivores. When the big Carnivores die they are eaten by decomposers. Decomposers supply nutrients to the plants and the cycle continues," I told him. He was much like a child in this at least. Completely unaware of the life cycle.

"So what eats humans?"