32 Venus

I went to get off Hitoshi. They had all gone silent and still. Yet, as I went to slide back I felt his hands go to my hips and hold me. "You never finished telling us why we should grab you by the hips."

"Let me up," I said. They backed away allowing me to stand. I had to fight myself from trying to shove one of their heads between my thighs. Gods I was so turned on. The cold air blowing on me should have cooled the fire but seemed to only make it worse. I held a hand out to Hitoshi and he took it so I pulled him to his feet. He did not fight it so I did not have to use much force. I turned my back to him and placed his hands back on my hips. "A male can position a female like this to pull her against him. It is harder for us to hurt a male on accident like this as well."