49 Venus

I woke up in pain. The males were taking the blunt of it too. "Don't fucking touch me!" I hissed out. My teeth snapping at a male who got too close for my comfort. The males who had held me through the night bore bite marks that I had not bothered to lick at yet. They had very quickly realized that I was on a hairline trigger. I had been feeling the stabbing pain in my lower abdomen since I woke up. The rest of the pain had been slowly joining the party. 

The males on board seemed to catch on quickly. They shared looks and gave me room. I had fully dressed myself even if my hair was an absolute wreck. I had tried in vain to find somewhere to be allow. My mates were having none of it. Even if they gave me space, they were never far away. My desire to nest was riding me hard. More so my need to find a safe place away from anything that might hunt me down as an easy meal.