51 Venus (Rated)

Pain twisted hard in my gut. My eyes snapped open from the jolt. It was not normally this bad. It was right now though. I curled in on myself the pain making my muscles tense as I did. Kide and Riota were with me. I could smell them. I felt them as they pressed in close to me, warming me with their bodies. 

"That helps," I sighed as my body started to uncoil. "Kide you should go check in with the others. I am sure they would like to know I am doing better." Dispite not having a proper nest. I also wanted to be alone for what came next. I needed to get this over with. Needed to fuck one of them to get the pain over with. It would help with my period pain too. Maybe not at first. Maybe not the first time but the second or third. Surely by the fourth.