Forex Union

Garobu City Economic Corridor!

It was a region within Garobu City where the headquarters of all economic companies were situated, hence named the Economic Corridor. Among them stood tall a building created out of white marble, polished to the extent one could see their reflection on its walls.

It was blinding to the sight, reflecting the sunlight, making it difficult for people in the region to see while walking. Normally, it would have been an inconvenience. But here, being blinded was a sense of status as not everyone could come to this place.

Wearing her most luxurious clothes, Nedy arrived before the blinding building, staring at the name carved in granite, large enough to be visible even from hundreds of metres away.

Forex Union!

It was the place where one could trade currencies. Yes, despite its limited development, in terms of trade, it was a developed world. Of course, gaining access to such a service required one to surpass certain parameters.

Among the Sect, only two Shamans qualified to enter the Forex Union. Other than the Sect Branch Leader, it was Nedy, thanks to her success in a majority of her missions, not to mention the revenue sources she had accumulated by working under Lady Vonne.

The moment she entered the Forex Union, Nedy stared at a large wooden board filled with flappable chips, painted with numbers. They constantly flapped, causing the displayed number to fluctuate.

1 Faiah: 79.81 Robu!

Upon observing the conversion, Nedy smiled, 'Good, Robu is the strongest this season thanks to the increased exports.'

The lobby was large, spanning an area of 2000 square metres, which was mostly vacant, save for a few business manganates that were casually strolling around, accompanied by their servants.

Nedy approached the closest counter and stared at the lady seated there. She was a middle-aged woman with a head full of white hair. The foremost strand of it was black, contrastingly visible. Even though she seemed like a normal human, Nedy was able to sense a faint stream of Faith circulating through her body.

She looked around, observing that all the staff employed within the Forex Union had a head of white hair. Among them, the lowest level of staff had a single strand of black hair.

Her gaze fell on a white-haired guy that was explaining something while displaying a scroll to a business manganate. He had three strands of black hair.

Finally, there was a lady of importance roaming around the lobby, not taking up any tasks for herself, in charge of only manning the place. She had seven strands of black hair on her head. Depending on the number of black hair strands, the quantity of Faith in them added up.

"What may I help you with, Nedy?" The lady behind the counter stared at Nedy calmly and addressed her by name.

'This is the first time I'm seeing her, but as expected, she can recognise me easily. So, that's the power possessed by those part of the Forex Union, the sole organisation spread across the entire world.' For a moment, she was overwhelmed by the notion, but quickly pushing the distracting thoughts to the back of her head, Nedy smiled politely, "I wish to transfer funds to my union Account."

"Please note that you can neither withdraw nor transact using Faiah. Its sole function is to back your deposit." The lady reminded calmly.

"Yes, I'm aware of that." Nedy nodded.

Faiah was the universal currency that is valid throughout the world. It was backed by the unshakable Faith of the Forex Union. Pretty much every single currency in the world was in return associated with Faiah.

The currency of Garobu City, Robu too was the same. Approximately 80 Robu equalled 1 Faiah.

In their world, the strength of a Faith was directly related to the strength of their economy, which was displayed through their currency. Therefore, the greater their value when associated with Faiah, the stronger the indicator of their Faith.

In that regard, a ratio of 1 versus 80 spoke volumes regarding the weakness of the Garobu Faith. Though, pretty much all Faiths in the continent of Deccan were more or less similar. So, it didn't affect Garobu City in the slightest.

"Are you sure you wish to convert all the money in your Garobu City Account to your Union Account?" The staff asked next, "If you wait two more weeks, you'll get greater returns. The harvest season is when Robu is the strongest."

"It's fine, I wish to exchange it now." Nedy said, thinking, 'If what I heard is right, Robu would plummet in value during the harvest season. Robu is probably at its strongest now.'

"Alright," The staff nodded as she unfurled a scroll and drew a chequered pattern mimicking her face, one that resembled a barcode in circuital form. She extended her hand and grabbed Nedy's, pricking her index finger to drop a droplet of blood at the centre of the chequered pattern. "It's done."

The pattern lit up as Nedy's features became more pronounced. Immediately, a set of words formed underneath it.

The moment the words appeared, a strip of paper magically formed over the lady's eyes, blocking her sight. With calm, she rolled the scroll and gave it to Nedy, "Here's your Union Account Statement. Once you go through it, I'll destroy it."

"Please note that it's forbidden to leave the premises with that scroll. Your account will be frozen if you do so."

"I understand," Nedy unfurled the scroll and stared at her Union Account details, thinking, 'I have saved up a total of 2212 Faiah. It's not much, but it'll last me for six years if I were to live frugally. Once I complete my current mission, I'll get 50,000 Robu. That's approximately 600 Faiah.'

She made a mental tally of things, deciding to give her everything to find the corpse of the Fisherman Devil and then flee the city.

Nedy handed over the scroll to the lady behind the counter, "I'm done checking."

"Alright, I'll destroy it now." Saying so, the lady clenched her hand tightly as the scroll vaporised. Her blindfold vanished immediately after. It was something placed in their Faith itself, preventing the staff from knowing the financial details of their customers.

This prevented fraud to a certain extent.