[Bonus chapter] 40 - Finally

Hey guys! SleepyGod here! I hope you guys enjoy this bonus chapter. I'm reviewing the first chapters again and the upcoming ones, sorry if you guys had any trouble with the grammar. Also, I plan to release a lot more of extras if you guys keep with the great support :)

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"It shouldn't take them long to catch up with us," Ryan said as he surveyed a house at the entrance to the village. The place did not appear to be a domestic residence, but rather a garrison of sorts, where soldiers took turns collecting taxes and protecting the place.

Nyx said, as she helped Ryan go through the backpacks of the former soldiers in that village.

"I don't, I need to buy a skill like this, to be honest," he said.

Ryan then turned around and started to laugh as he looked at the succubus. She no longer had a sad face, in fact, she had a giant smug smile on her face. In her hand was a merchant's bag.
