117 - Light

"Do you think the rookie will be able to handle all those creatures?" Kyra said, looking at Aether. The blond placed a hand on his chin, and thoughtfully said, "If he dies, at least we'll be able to save more lives." The answer caused Kyra to widen her eyes, and then with a smile continue walking. "I'm afraid of you" she said in a low tone of voice.

A few meters behind, Kodiak was walking with difficulty, he was pressing his wound with a piece of cloth. Rushing to approach him, Ruri said "Are you feeling all right?" The druid shook his head in denial, "Don't worry about me, keep looking after the others" he said.

"Your injury doesn't seem to be internal, someone like Ryan could already take care of you" as soon as she said that, she realized what happened. Looking back, Ruri said remorsefully "I hope he'll be alright...".

Kodiak laughed at that "Aether trusted our rear guard to him, I would have more confidence in our companion".