126 - Battle

The stands of the arena were packed with spectators, both students and visitors who came from all over the city. Even with such a large number of people, there was still a silence that hung over that entire group. Even with the excited announcement of the duel, the entire audience remained silent.

The reason was unique, Ethan's aura was paralyzing everyone watching. Torek and the other anchor were a little uneasy as well, but practically the entire common audience was truly uncomfortable. 

Ethan was walking towards the center of the arena, there were four large concrete walkways that were supported by gigantic pillars. You could see the water from the lagoon below the bridges. His footsteps echoed through the silent arena, making the sound of his wooden soles. 

He had blue hair and completely white eyes, an extremely distinct color from his sister. Around him was a kind of blue energy, which he had been channeling from the first moment he entered the arena.