138 - Mask

The world closed in on Ryan, as if nothing else mattered. As the scythe approached his body, the seconds ticked by at a slower and slower rate, until there came a point where the scythe stopped inches before completely severing his body. 

In one of his eyes, the possibility of what was going to happen began to loom like a movie. Either the attack would be stopped and he would be given up as the loser, or he would deflect, or he would counterattack by taking advantage of the proximity. The number of possibilities had diminished significantly, as if his mind understood that he could only observe a few minutes into the future.

Now without the stress and headache he was having, Ryan took advantage of the break in time to think, and shaking his head he already knew what should be done. Time began to flow with normal speed again, and before the scythe sliced through his abdomen and chest, with one of his hands Ryan launched a fireball at his opponent.