201 - F#ck$ng Angels and Demons [R18]

"I still don't know what it is. But the sensors started picking up this energy frequency when you started taking classes here. At first, I thought I was going crazy for my age, since these readings only happened in this region" said Margareth

'This could be demonic energy, or even sacred energy'


Ayumi appeared in front of Ryan in ghost form, pointing at the reader she said confidently >The readings of demonic and sacred energy would be opposite, they are extremely different waves. This one is close to zero, neither negative nor positive! That's too positive to be something demonic and too negative to be something sacred<

'Neutral wave frequencies... yet they have a strong intensity'

As Ryan held it, he noticed how the device increased in value next to him. However, the value only exploded when he placed the meter in front of his heart.

"This... I know what this is recognizing," said Ryan