214 - Mining

"Are you sure about that figure?" Said John Wrynn, who was still incredulous at Ryan's questioning.

The two were sitting at the table in his office, the silent room reverberated with the old traveler's surprised voice. 

Shrugging, Ryan explained his situation, "We don't have any other option, I know you have contact with the merchants' association."

Putting his hand to his head, Wrynn was still analyzing the situation. But nodding, he gave up asking questions, "You're not a joker. I'll send you the contact details of a salesperson on your number," he said as he clicked on a hologram next to the table.

Ryan's cell phone vibrated and with that, the conversation was over. Getting up, he turned to the door where he opened a portal to return to Neodrazzil.

"Wait," said John.

Ryan slowly turned his head, looking at the guild's regional officer. 

"Actually, don't worry. We can talk about this another time," he said.

* * *