281 - Map

"I'll give her my seeds and Lust's seeds okay?" Ryan answered Nyx mentally.

The garden of poisonous plants that Viper was tending was astonishing. The different shapes, colors and spells were a sight for sore eyes. As the girl explained how the plants killed a person, Ryan couldn't help but wonder if it was possible to use these plants as a form of defense against pillagers.

"Actually, it is possible," Viper replied, then she took him by the hand and led him to the other side of the garden.

Holding out her arm, she pointed to an extremely beautiful bush. The leaves were blue, while several cyan thorns glowed as if they were pulsing with energy. "That's a screaming snow bush, they can be used as a barrier on top of walls or next to buildings. A single touch causes a person's entire blood circulation to freeze, even with a fire aura it's still extremely dangerous," said the girl.