284 - News

Even though he looked for a long time, Ryan couldn't find any more information about who the turtle warriors were or who Yawoog was. Sitting down in one of the armchairs, he just crossed both arms while he meditated for a while. 

In front of him, Nyx and Lux appeared in their ghostly forms. Viper was still going through the books, so she crossed the two girls as she walked down the corridor. 

"Ugh!" she said out loud, then she looked at the boy and said "I felt a chill, I'll turn on the temperature manager".

< That was rude! > Nyx shouted in the middle of the library, but the Alterhein general couldn't hear her.

Opening one of his eyes, Ryan said to the two of them, "I need you to stay here and check out the books for me. You'll take care of the old books, while I'll get the newly acquired ones."