289 - Blue flame

Dropping her sandwich, Envy stood up and stared into the boy's eyes "Did you have a nightmare about your darkest memory?"

Nodding his head, he confirmed.

* * *

When the human kingdoms consolidated into two alliances, a different view of magical matters emerged. Various agreements on how magic should be used began to appear, most of them aimed at avoiding experiments on thinking beings. 

While magical territories chose only to deny these agreements, smaller ones were forced to accept these regulations with all their might. It was at this time, three hundred years ago, that illegal magical groups emerged.

While some proclaimed that magic should continue without limitations in order to advance human evolution, others were just annoyed that they couldn't get the support of governments to keep their experiments going. But it wasn't until a night with a full moon that the world learnt what a magician with very low ideals could really do.