312 - Attack

The preparations for the confrontation with the kingdom of Alterhein were ready. In the middle of the gigantic courtyard of the Silvermoons' fortress, four gigantic portals appeared. Each one was connected to a different region of Phthonia and Berohog.

Ryan was now in Sunset, the city being powered by four gigantic thrusters. To facilitate transportation from the main region, they had chosen to leave two of the flying islands above the Jade Forest. A small base with four Rank S warriors from the Lightstones was left to hold territory in case of an unlikely invasion.

Looking at Eris and Rin, the boy was already wearing his black armor. The new equipment designed by Artemis had two mana pistols at its waist. The armor was made of black magic metal, light and sturdy, covering his legs and a little of his chest and arms.