327 - Subjects

After the failure of the advance to Berohog, it was unlikely that the rest of the human kingdoms would attempt an assault on the fortresses of the new kingdom of Sunset. Besides, Ryan had told Azraq one last thing.


Two days after the confrontation, Azraq and his three thousand men returned to Thal'Arid. The city was the current representative of the Desert Coalition, mainly because of its influence in unifying the peoples of the sands.

"Azraq, the king is not happy with your results," said one of the men sitting on a rug on the floor. The place was luxurious, with several gold statues surrounding a palace with a glass floor just above a lake.

The blue-skinned man bowed, "I beg your pardon, my father, but there was nothing to be done. The news must have reached you by now, the warriors of the Sunset Kingdom are stronger than we could have imagined."