334 - Sacred Kiss

Ryan's eyes widened, "So she really is alive..."

* * *

When Lyza finished her coffee, not a word was said about Ryan's comment. All the girls were surprised, imagining that Anna Whitemane was a new wife.

When Ryan had finished eating, he looked at Nyx and sighed. "Now, you can tell me more about my aunt."

The girls were again taken aback, since he wasn't in the habit of commenting on family members. Nyx and Lux sat down at the table and then opened a magical transmission.

"Anna Whitemane is alive, we found some records about her in the guild documents. She's part of Beldoran's guild division, being an SS+ rank warrior."

Ryan crossed his arms and looked at the apartment window. Olivia focused on his eyes, which seemed to wander as he thought about it. Everyone remained silent until he finally began to speak: "My family, my brothers and my parents. As far as I know, they were killed in a monster spill."