
Lilian entered Ma Adele's healing room and discovered that she was telling the truth. It was indeed a child that was currently being treated.

"You see? I wasn't lying. Even those that lie for a living tell the truth at times." Ma. Adele said mockingly to her friend.

"Hmph. Yeah." Lilian said and nodded as she walked closer to Ma Adele and her patient to see the little boy's face.

"He is indeed handsome." She said as she bent over to admire his cute little face.

"I told you." Ma Adele said and chuckled.

"You didn't tell me. You only I should come to see for myself if he is worthy of becoming my future son-in-law." Lilian corrected the human fairy.

"Yeah, sure." Ma Adele said as she shrugged at the same time.

"He is worthy but I am afraid that that might never happen," Lilian said as she started walking to and fro.

"What do you mean? Are you sterile?" Ma Adele asked with her eyes wide open.

"No, I am supposed to be very fertile," Lilian replied.

"So, what is the issue?" The fairy asked, concerned.

"I am afraid, for the little boy will have to excuse us. It is a matter that even the wall is not supposed to hear." Lilian replied.

"He is just a child." Ma Adele confronted.

"Please, Ma Adele, it's not any kind of a matter, if the wall should hear it, the window will let the wind spread it." Lilian pleaded.

"Are you referring to my patient as a wall?" Ma Adele asked.

"Yes," Lilian replied with a nod.

"Even if he is a wall, the wall has no ear." The human fairy said.

"It does, it's the doors and the windows. The windows will let the wind spread it like wildfire, while the door will spread it to the other doors and into other rooms, then through the walls and then the windows, and again, it will let the wind spread it like wildfire." Lilian said and let out a relieving sigh and stopped patrolling at the same time.

"Ooh. Take it easy young woman. Breathe in and breathe out and have a sit." Ma Adele cautioned.

"No, I can't because my heart is troubled," Lilian said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Is it that serious?" Ma Adele asked. And Lilian just nodded in response.

"Okay. Hey boy, we are done, follow me. Queen Lilian, I will be right back." Ma Adele said as she led the child out of the healing room and returned about an hour later.

Lilian quickly got up from where she was seated the moment Ma Adele walked into the room and asked,

"What took you so long?"

"I am sorry, I had to return the child to his mother, I had to send everyone back home without a very serious health issue. Ma Adele is closed for the day, thanks to you. I shall rest while receiving as my guest." Ma Adele said to Lilian.

Lilian couldn't believe that Ma Adele closed for the day just because of her. She cleared her throat to thank her but then, she asked,

"Thanks but what about those with serious health issues?"

"Do you expect me to send them back home while still sick? No sick person comes to Ma Adele and returns home the same. Of course, I treated them, I had to do sorcery.". She explained and rolled her eyes at the same time.

"No wonder," Lilian said and nodded numerously at the same time.

"You matter, my Queen." Ma Adele said and bowed.

" No, don't," Lilian said as she quickly rushed to Ma Adele to stop her from bowing completely.

"So, what brought you here?" Ma Adele finally asked what Lilian has been dying to hear.

"Sit, let's talk about it. It might take us the whole day." Lilian said as she directed her to one of the wooden chairs and sat down with her.

Thirty minutes later, Lilian was done telling Ma Adele about what has been happening in her life lately.

"Really?" That was all the completely blown-away human fairy could ask.

"Yes." Sobbing Lilian replied.

"I am sorry." Ma Adele said as she started patting her back.

"Does the Queen know about this incident?" The fairy asked.

"No. How can I tell her something like that? I was very confused when I woke up. No, I was trying to investigate what had happened between me and the Prince last night when Nancy interrupted and told me the Prince was calling." Lilian explains.

"What Nancy? A new maiden or is it the bad omen of a human?" Ma Adele asked.

"The one everyone knows," Lilian replied.

"I thought I had warned you never to talk to her first thing in the morning. Bad energy always follows her and her spirit is evil." Ma Adele said as she removed her hand from Lilian's back and held her other hand.

"I am sorry. I think I just told you that I woke up late today. I woke up when it was the second meal time of the day. I didn't know who it was at first until she mentioned her name." Lilian explained to the healer again.

The human fairy nodded in response and then sighed before asking,

"So, tell me, what brought you here?"

"Many things, I don't even know what to ask for first," Lilian responded with her head bowed as tears were rolling down her cheeks and some falling directly from her eyes into her clothes.

"Do you want me to help cure your bruises or advise you on what next step to do?" The healing human fairy asked.

Lilian raised her head, smiling, and wiped her tears with her palm before replying,

"Both and thank you."

"You are always welcome, my darling." Ma Adele said as she stood up and walked towards where she stores her medicine, herbs, concoctions, and lots more.

"Which are you going to first?" Lilian asked, as she stood up and started walking towards her best friend.

"I will be healing you first, for a wounded lion cannot go hunting." Ma Adele replied.

Lilian smiled and said,


"Don't thank me. Just strip." Ma Adele instructed.