Skeletal Emperor - [ Chapter - 8 ]

So then Hyun Ki went up to the legendary corpse again and then tried using the essence extraction ability, then a dark green aura appeared then it started spinning and then a blue light was absorbed by the green aura.

Then he now had something in his hand it was a light blue jade and Hyun Ki was a bit confused on what to do with it so then he tried out his newly upgraded appraisal skill and he saw a lot more descriptions than before and it was more organized.

It was called "Skeletal Sword Master's Essence" and it said that it was a legendary ranked item and it said it was consumable so Hyun Ki thought of consuming it and then his chest created a blue light as well.

Then it started spinning as well and then Hyun Ki put the jade near it and then it was immediately absorbed by his blue light and then he heard a notification sound and then he saw that he got a new skill.

It was a passive skill called "Sword's Mastery" which increases the attack damage with a sword by 50% and it was an epic rank skill and Hyun Ki realized he could absorb the skills of the legendary, mythic and boss monsters.

So it was really cool but Hyun Ki was surprised that no one else got this ability since there were so many players in the game already so he wanted to know more about it but when he searched in the forums nothing came up.

Then Hyun Ki tried to see if anything changed in the description when he uses his appraisal skill since he upgraded it already and it did and now there was something at the bottom right of it, [Only Alchemists].

Hyun Ki realized this was an Alchemist skill, Hyun Ki was lucky enough that the current alchemists in the game didn't get this ability since it must've been hard for them to get loot and level up.

So it must've been very hard to get but Hyun Ki just couldn't understand how it connected with the alchemist class since that was a class meant for creation but the ability wasn't anything like creation.

That was still a myster for Hyun Ki because he couldn't get the information he wanted about that but he didn't have time to think because the more he wastes time doing nothing the boss's strength just keeps increasing.

And it might get to a level where even Hyun Ki's skills can't defeat so he had to go quickly and he kept running but there weren't anymore skeletons until he reached the boss room and then he immediately saw the boss health bar.

It was called, "Skeletal Emperor" it was a mythic variant of the normal boss "Skeletal Noble" which is already ranked rare but it already reached the mythic rank so Hyun Ki wasn't sure if he could beat it.

He was able to defeat the legendary variant because he was able to deal a lot of damage to it before it evolved but now this was a full health and strength boss while Hyun Ki didn't have anything anymore.

But luckily his clone wad now at it's full capacity so the fight's danger lessened but that still means it's dangerous and Hyun Ki really didn't want to get the death penalty which makes the player not able to log in for 24 hours.

The penalty was really strict but Hyun Ki still wanted to try it since he didn't have much to do after this so then he went inside of the boss room and then he saw a skeleton wearing a royal robe and clothing.

It's mouth then opened and a red light came from it's eyes and it screeched and pointed at Hyun Ki, he was surprised by this but then suddenly rare and epic variants skeletons called "Skeletal Guards" and "Skeletal Knights".

Then Hyun Ki was now really worried he could win since he already had a hard time with one epic swordsman and now there were multiple rare and epic variants including a mythic boss variant in front if him.

So then Hyun Ki kept using Dash Cutter and he kept summoning his clone over and over again even though it just kept dyind but was able to kill a few of the skeletons before it died each time.

[Ding! The Clone has killed over 100 enemies over rare rank! The ability is being upgraded to "Multiplication" can now summon three clones with 80% of player's stats.]

Then Hyun Ki summoned two more clones and now they were stronger than before and they were actually using his skills in the fight now and so Hyun Ki was now a bit more confident that he could fight the boss.

Hyun Ki just kept cutting down and slashing the guards and knights but the armour on the knights were really tough but Hyun Ki was able to kill three knights without damaging the armour and so he gave it to his clones.

Now they were fighting with less worry and when they were now getting hit, it didn't do that much damage to them and now there were a small amount of guards and knights left and his clones could handle it.

Then Hyun Ki started fighting the boss himself and then he charged in with great speed because he was able to level up a lot thanks to the many variants him and his clones have killed and so he distributed all of his stats.

Hyun Ki slashed his sword then let go and then jumped above the Skeletal Emperor and then toon out another sword from his inventory and then slashed downwards and then he put it back inside his inventory.

He then did a high kick to the Skeletal Emperor but then the it grabbed his leg and then threw him across the room then it immediately appeared in front of Hyun Ki and then punched him into the ground.

And immediately from that one hit 5% of his health was now gone and so he realized how dangerous the boss was since it was able to do so much damage in one simole attack and he wondered what would happen if it used it's skills.

Hyun Ki went up to it again and started using the alternating martial arts and swordsmanship technique he did to the Skeletal Sword Master before and then he was able to get a few good hits onto him.

But then it summoned a skeleton staff and when it grabbed it, it's eyes glowed a red color and then shot skulls at Hyun Ki and he had to dodge them but he was hit by two of the skulls and it removed 30% of his health immediately.

Hyun Ki was terrified by its strength but he noticed that the clones were done dealing with the rest of the skeletons and so he threw some potion ingredients and shouted, "Make greater healing potions!".

So Hyun Ki was now distracting the boss while his clones were creating healing potions for him, it took a while for the clones to actually create the potions and while distracting the boss Hyun Ki lost another 25% of his health.