Abymsal Luck - [ Chapter - 23 ]

When they saw their rewards, Ah-In decided to save her's but Ji-Ho immediately used his epic rank ability card since he was hoping to get a new electric ability and luckily enough he actually was able to get one.

It was called, "Thundering Body" which increases all stats by 50% as it uses up the persons mana and so it was another all rounded ability which was really good for Ji-Ho so he celebrated even further.

Then Hyun Ki actually decided to use one of the legendary rank random cards and so when he used it, the card split into multiple cards but this time each card had a different symbol of what he could get.

So then once he did that he checked what he got and saw he got a legendary ranked talent which was the best thing a person could get since talent were passive and were extremely broken at times, so it was a good pick.

As he checked the talent, it was called "Broken Luck" and it's description was that it passively boosts luck by 500% but hecould be use a luck that defies all logic once every three days the Game's AI would deem what the user wants to use his luck on.

Which was correct nearly all of the time but as an AI there will be some mistakes but Hyun Ki wanted to try it out and decided to pick his random ability card and then activated his his trait and then a green aura surrounded him.

Once he saw the aura, he then activated the card and it split into multiple colors like usual but now there was an extra color that wasn't there before, it was a pure sky blue card which wasn't even said in the game's information.

[Ding! The Player Hermes has discovered a higher rank than mythic! The "Transcendence" Rank!]

[Ding! The AI is deciding a reward for Player Hermes...]

While the AI was deciding what reward to give Hyun Ki, he then checked the card he got and it was a transcendence rank ability called, "Potion Creation" which uses the Game's AI itself to work.

The ability allows Hyun Ki to create a potion with an effect he wants and the AI creates the conditions, materials and methods to make it and gives it back to Hyun Ki and he would also be the creator of the potion.

Being a creater of an item was extremely rare especially a potion since if you failed something could go very wrong and you needed everything to be just right so the new ability he just had was a literal game breaker.

He could make up potion ideas and the AI would help create it but the cooldown was a week in real time so it would take a while for him to create a potion and there was also a special feature of creating something.

If the creator of the item uses their creation, the creation's abilities and stats improve by 10% so it would be even better for Hyun Ki while he could also give it to Ji-Ho and Ah-In or he could even start a business.

[Ding! The Player Hermes has been given an "Unlimited Upgrade Card" by the AI for discovering the transcendence rank!]

As Hyun Ki read Unlimited Upgrade he was in shock such a broken thing exists although it had a cooldown of a month, it was still excessively broken since not many people can find one especially not every month.

So Hyun Ki decided to upgrade his broken luck talent and so he brought out the unlimited upgrade card and it was black and red which looked really cool and so he then activated it upgrading the luck talent.

[Ding! The Player Hermes has upgraded the "Broken Luck" Talent into the Mythic Rank Talent, "Abysmal Luck"!]

After upgrading the description of the talent changed completely and now it's cooldown was one day and it boosts Hyun Ki's luck by 1,000% this time so Hyun Ki was extraordinarily happy and all of this was from just one mini boss from a teasure dungeon.

Now it made Hyun Ki wonder what would the rewards for beating the boss now but Hyun Ki couldn't think about that anymore since Ji-Ho spoke up and said, "It's getting late we should continue this tomorrow.".

When he said that Hyun Ki asked, "What if this dungeon gets stolen from us when we're not here?", Ji-Ho and Ah-In look at each other and then Ah-In asked, "Is this really our know it all Hyun Ki? Is it an imposter?".

They both said jokingly and so Hyun Ki was confused but then Ji-Ho went up to him and put his right hand onto Hyun Ki's shoulder and said, "I know something that you don't." he said as he laughed.

But then he stopped laughing after a bit and then said, "If you discover a dungeon, it's locked to the people who discovered it, what your thinking about are gates, they are the ones that allow other people to steal from the discoverers.".

Then he started chuckling and then said to himself, "I am indeed smart." he looked up to the ceiling very satisfied with himself but then suddenly he looked at back at Ah-In and Hyun Ki and said, "Bye, I have to go n-".

He was interrupted before he finished and after a bit as they were logging out, he then messaged saying, "My devil sister forced me to log out, sorry ;)" Ah-In asked saying, "He has a sister?", when she asked that Hyun Ki looked at her.

Hyun Ki then sighed and said, "We will explain tomorrow so join back tomorrow and then we'll tell you, I'm pretty tired right now myself, so goodbye." and when he said thay he was logging out but before he did Ah-In said, "Goodb-".

She wasn't able to finish and he logged out and so once he logged out he out everything away and then laid on his bed sighing and smiling happily and without him noticing his parents saw him being that happy.

So they were really happy for their son since they always saw him studying and never playing with anyone his age and was also mature but now as they looked at him, they were now seeing their son enjoying being a kid.

Once Hyun Ki was tired he then changed into his more comfortable clothes then went to sleep and the next day, he was extraordinarily happy since he was going to log on again and he texted Ah-In and Ji-Ho.

He texted them as he was eating his breakfast and so his parents were happy for him but they can't help but be jealous that a game was making their son that happy for the first time and it wasn't even them who did it.