Scared to Pee

Wang Chao paid no attention to those big men. His eyes were sharp as knives as he looked over the crowd and stared at Huang Hao. "What did you say?"

"Are you deaf? Mr. Huang asked you to kneel down, otherwise, we'll break your limbs!" One of the big men arrogantly shouted.


Before he could finish his sentence, Wang Chao kicked him and sent him flying ten meters away, falling to the ground and vomiting uncontrollably, clutching his stomach.


Seeing this scene, Huang Hao and everyone else were stunned.

In a situation where the enemy outnumbered them, Wang Chao dared to take the first move?

Is he crazy?

Wang Chao hugged his sister with both hands, his eyes sharp, and said firmly, "Huang Hao, I'll give you one last chance, kneel down and apologize to my sister!"

Huang Hao was furious and roared, "Fuck, if you're not going to do this the easy way, we'll have to do it the hard way. Brothers, break his limbs! As long as he's not dead, I'll take the blame!"