The Feeling of Home

The cold words sent shivers down the spines of Li Chunyan and the others.

"Beat them up and throw them out!" Zhao Kun said coldly.

After Zhao Shanhe left, he specifically instructed him to protect Wang Chao's family's safety.

At least within this Ivy Building, he couldn't let anything happen to Wang Chao's family.

So, he had been paying attention to the whereabouts of Wang Chao's family, and when he found someone blocking them, he immediately brought people over to support them.


The security guards, who were like wolves and tigers, immediately took action, lifting Li Chunyan and her group and throwing them all out of the mall.

"Why were these people thrown out?"

"I think they looked so ferocious that they must not be good people. They probably caused trouble in the mall and were thrown out."

"Serves them right! Such bad people should be beaten!"