
Wang Chao gently wiped Wang Baoyu's tears and said, "Kindness is not wrong, but it also depends on the person."

"Depends on the person?"

"Have you heard the story of the farmer and the snake? Some people are demons, cold-blooded animals. Even if you hold them in your arms, they will never warm up. So, there is no need to be kind to these people."

Wang Baoyu listened and his expression changed, lost in thought.

"The Buddhist saying goes, 'Eliminating evil is promoting goodness! Removing bad people is doing good things.'"

"So, when you do good deeds in the future, you must distinguish between helping good or bad people. If it's a bad person, the best thing you can do is to ignore them."

"If you are too kind and save bad people who then go on to do bad things, it's like you are doing something bad."

"Too kind? Saving a bad person is doing something bad?" Wang Baoyu's eyes flickered, obviously touched by Wang Chao's words, and he was deep in thought.