Great Benefactor

"What did you say, Third Grandpa?" Wang Chao's face darkened.

Apologize to Wang Lin? What a joke! It would be good enough if he didn't beat him up!

"You didn't hear me clearly? I'll say it again. You apologize to Wang Lin immediately!" Wang Jianguo demanded.

"That's right, you must apologize!"

"Wang Lin is a good person in our village. He repairs bridges and roads, and even gives benefits to the elderly in our village during festivals. Wang Chao, you beat even such a great benefactor, you are simply scum!"

"Wang Chao, if you don't apologize today, don't even think about leaving here!"

"Wang Lin has done so many good deeds, made huge contributions to the village and society, created value."

"Wang Chao, how could you beat such a great benefactor? You are simply despicable! Wang Anguo is such an honest and upright person, how could he give birth to such a heinous bastard like you?!"